Stamp Auction Program Schwarzenbach Zurich
Friday, April 17, 2020
03:00 pm # 1 – 135 Liechtenstein, Switzerland: airmail, first day and special issues, postal stationary,
along catalogue starting 1907: definitives to franchise stamps
04:45 pm # 136 – 253 Switzerland: collections and accumulations starting 1907 and earlier, including valid
issues (discount postage)
Saturday, April 18, 2020
09:00 am # 254 - 323 Switzerland: special topics, cantons Geneva to Zurich, picture postcards, incl.
collections and lots; literature
10:15 am # 324 - 410 Switzerland: classical issues 1843 to 1907, including collections and accumulations,
supplement 20th century
01:15 pm # 411 - 546 Germany, Western Europe, incl. collections and accumulations
03:00 pm # 547 - 687 Europe: collections and accumulations, Eastern Europe and Balkans
Overseas: Asia, Africa, America, topics, collections of the whole world